LA FEMME IS SACRED is a blog dedicated to the true essence of the feminine as she was personified, revered and venerated in the ancient ages . Here you will find links to interesting articles about women concerning their role in history, society and religion.
To all of you Goddesses out there, I hope you find the information on this site uplifting and positive. Blessings

Twisted Lipstick

She crossed her legs and sighed a descending waterfall...She looked at her pack of cigarettes crushed them and threw them away...her tears created black rivers of mascara streaming down her face...Her eyes were bright, softening the brown of her amber Iris...where am I going? why am I here? she whispers to herself as a commercial plane slowly passed over head carrying excited passengers...did anyone see her below? did anyone feel her deeply drawn breathing? did anyone feel Her Love rise off of her body like body heat and steam? maybe the pigeons on the wires above...their feathers slowly fall around her consoling that neglected desire...she rubs off her lipstick with a napkin she stuffed into her purse the night before at a quaint seedy lounge in the city...The buildings around her were bordering abandonment...remnants of a happy family blowing out the window with an old curtain flapping in the curling wind...her ears tingled at the sound of footsteps approaching from around the corner in the alley...she could feel the nonchalance...suddenly they stopped...and so did her tears...she wanted her privacy so she abruptly got up and slipped into a near by building...the stranger swung around the corner, the scent of dense leather and saturated cologne followed him as he sat down on the weathered dark gray industrial bench where she had just rested momentarily...he crossed his legs, took a puff with squinted eyes, young, sharp charismatic with an incognito nobility, he liked being rugged, against the grain...His black eyes behind his long eye lashes were compelled to look down by his side...a small crinkled napkin with some lipstick on it...he felt it...he smelled it...the pack of cigarettes she tossed away were flattened under his feet...he noticed and took another puff...reached into his inside pocket for his pack of cigs and chucked em into a nearby garbage can...he got up, took a breath, glanced at his watch, and proceeded to walk out from between the buildings, towards the crowds of people going about their day, ahead, at the end of the alley...suddenly someone rushed out from a narrow corridor, her earrings gleamed in his eyes as she bumped into him...he still had the napkin in his hand...she noticed...she smiled...and so did he...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Violets Gold...

As I gaze with innocent wonder at the blazing kaleidoscope, blooming like orchids gleefully shivering at their own reflection in a still pond, moved by the companionship of a curling brook...My memories rain in infinite bits of micro-dodecahedrons onto perpetual plains of optical fibers, glowing in rhythm with the descending joy of my emotions swirling through her like liquid silver dolphins dissipating into the deep...Ribbons of light, fading and dilating out of her into my pupils, eagerly peering at the spectral procession of rhythmic division, climbing into me...We sweep into each others eyes like parallel galaxies spinning counter-clockwise, exchanging our thoughts like nebulous dust accumulating from their galactic centers, forming psychic organic webs, sunlight cascading in and out of moonlight, centrifugally refracting through the micro fabric of our mental union... bathing us in Golden and Violet streams of intuition roaming with will...